Improve Your Relationship
Micro Dose #7: “Dissecting a Conversation”
“Dissecting a Conversation.” All conversations reduced down to 2 least common denominators, the content, which is what the conversations about, and the structure, the rules that we expect each other to follow during the conversation. These rules are unspoken, and the most common rule is don’t interrupt somebody when they’re talking. And that the most […]
Micro Dose #6: Conflict Tolerance Continuum
The “Conflict Tolerance Continuum” on one end of the continuum we have folks that are “Conflict Comfortable”, they recognize that conflict is often part of even a healthy relationship and they do not feel threatened, they do not feel like the relationship is threatened when there’s conflict. On the other end of the continuum you […]
Micro Dose #5: Processing Style Continuum
A Game Changer! I’m going to be sharing truly eye opening information in the next 3 Micro Doses of Relationship Wisdom First, people are wired differently as far as how they process emotions and information, I call this the “Processing Style Continuum” Some people are what I call “Internal Processers,” these folks need to have […]
Micro Dose #4: Committee of Two
The bottom line… your marriage or primary long-term relationship is a committee of two. These two committee members are Co-Chair members and there are no other members on the board. Some family members, and even some friends, will think they should have a voting seat on your relationship board, but when it comes right down […]
Micro Dose #3: “Work/Life Balance”
Hi! Dr. Dan here… we just scratched the surface regarding Intimacy in Micro Dose #1 and #2… my goal is to continue providing Valuable Content for your relationship in 60 seconds or less!! I’ll be addressing Relationship Needs and Desires, Styles of Expressing Love, Becoming Great communicators, compromise and problem-solving and much, much more!! Let’s […]
Micro Dose #2: More About Intimacy
Hi there! Dr. Dan back with another Micro Dose of Relationship Wisdom! Micro Dose #2: More about intimacy! First remember, the formula for intimacy is Trust equals Safety and Safety Plus vulnerability equals intimacy! When people hear the word “Intimacy” they usually think of Emotional Intimacy and Physical Intimacy…. But there is so much more! […]
Micro Dose #1: Intimacy
Hi! Dr. Dan here… we just scratched the surface regarding Intimacy in Micro Dose #1 and #2… my goal is to continue providing Valuable Content for your relationship in 60 seconds or less!! I’ll be addressing Relationship Needs and Desires, Styles of Expressing Love, Becoming Great communicators, compromise and problem-solving and much, much more!! Let’s […]